Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Revolutionary Road

But the revolution didn't happen in this movie that I love. Beware those who want to preserve the American dream should not see this movie because Sam Mendez after 'American Beauty' has gone further and makes it tangible and depressive white collar life of American suburban . Frank and April live in the suburban of the city he works in a job like he is a machine and she is the beautiful and dedicated housewife at home, .They  realize that their lives must change and that the suburban life it isn't for them and decide to go to Paris but this idea will be indefinitely postponed. One other thing that has impressed the film is that we have so many  cigarettes smoked, and alcohol even more, be certain that there isn't only  an element of the director to show boredom of people,these are really the 50-s in America. A character that i really enjoy is the neighbors sun. He presented as a mental patient but his only handicap is that he says the truth with words that cop and a beautiful suburb with make up on,can not swallow, he  comes a little earlier for his time as a Beatnik. I do not want to tell you more about the movie but be certain that although the choice of Leonardo Di Caprio and Kate Winslet is bold after Titanic, this time they will come true and more honest with their feelings.

*Don't think that this story remains only in the 50s suburban of America even in Albania this phenomenon is happening.

New families strugeling for some standards imposed by the society like the kind of house they should have, or in what schools their children should go. this way they leave each other grown apart and focus on the next goals to achive so they can feat the frame