After 65 years Disney gave us a new Cinderella.This Time with real actors but still keeps the original story. With a great cast of actors like:Lily James, Cate Blanchett, Helen Bonham Carter. I would like to choose my favorite parts of the both versions !
1. Lily James is very beautiful and no one can deny that but I like the animation version of Cinderella more with the hair up!
2. The waltz is more beautiful in the live actors version, they make us dream during that scene and their eyes are all shine and full of love!
3.Stepmother and sisters,here is getting difficult to choose, but when it comes to Cate Blanchett I surrender and selects her version!
4.Animated version of stepmother is more powerful model of hair but to the latest version of Femme Fatal dominance of Lady Tramein, really makes us tremble .
5.The good fairy mother I prefer more the animated version. Because Helen is more beautiful than Cinderella to my point of view so maybe she can go and catch the prince for herself at the ball.While the animation version the fairy is a little fat and forgetful.
6. The crystal shoe at the new movie is quite spectacular with the butterfly on the top. If they were for sale we will go buy them for sure,just to have them in our wardrobe!
P.s Regarding the message of the film from a feminist perspective,I would suggest to do the Bechdel test. Cinderella passes the test with the relationship that she has with the fairy.