Thursday, June 27, 2013

Albanian romantic movie 'Butterflies in my cabin'

I like to remind my favorite couple in the Albanian cinema. For those who have seen the movie 'Butterflies in my cabin' the relationship between  Luiza Xhuvani and Ndricim Xhepa is the most common one we find in most of  romantic movies in Hollywood. It is very simple one should release the mind from the belief system of the time that the film is set and we finally realize that it is a romantic movie with a love that is born and remains unrealized. Toma (Ndricim Xhepa) is a rebellious boy with a casual life starts to feel for the Flutura (Luisa Xhuvani) a village teacher very straightforward and without prejudice. Is her behavior towards one of her pupils Iriqi that attracts the attention of Tomes . The end of the film is warned at the time when Thomas catches butterflies for Flutura for the school laboratory. Thomas picked up many butterflies but they end up damaged because he wasn't careful while catching the butterflies same thing happens in their relationship. Tome has the sex appeal of the bad boy turned good for love,this is what most of the women like in his character. Also the fact that the actor that plays the role is Ndricim Xhepa and he is like Robert Redford of Albania women and girls like him regret their age. I do not want to let Luiza Xhuvani without any comparison and I am Baptizing her  as Mia Farrow of Albania.

p.s It was hard to write this in English because Butterflie and Flutura (the name of the character)is the same word. Also sth.funny the name of the actor Ndricim Xhepa is translated word by word in english as lighting pockets :) 

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

'Genci e do Eren',por une me shume dua muziken e filmit

Nje nga filmat me romantik Shqiptare me nje konflikt i cili jeton ne kohe dhe me triumfin e dashurise mbi cdo paragjykim. Nje pllot i tille mund te zhvillohet nga dikush qe vertet e njeh dhe e ka provuar mentalitetit e shoqerise pra nga syte e nje gruaje dhe kete na e paraqet dhe Besa Myftiu. Era gjendet ne nje moment te veshtire ne jete kur i dashuri e braktis kur meson se ajo pret nje femij. Nga ky moment vec te tjerash trajtohet dhe tema e abortit se si veprohej per ta kryer ate dhe cfare alternativash gjeje ne rruge te tjera. Ne fund Era vendos ta mbaj femijen dhe kerkon qe edhe Genci ta pranoj kete femije edhe pse nuk eshte i tij. Afeksioni i audiences femerore per personazhin e Gencit vjen duke u rritur dhe kjo jo vetem sepse e luan Ndricim Xhepa. Ne fillim ai qaset me shume elegance ne drejtim te Eres dhe i duruar me Eren qe eshte gjithe kohes neper re. Ne nje pjese te dyte ai nuk e pret mire rrefimin e Eres e megjithate i behet krah si nje gentelmen i vertet dhe ne fund kur cdo gje ndryshon dhe atij do ti duhet te dashuroj jo vetem Eren por edhe femijen qe ajo pret perseri Genci degjon zemren udhehiqet nga dashuria dhe jo nga mentaliteti i shoqerise dhe shkon per te kerkuar doren e Eres ne ahtepine e saj. Ne kete pjese te fundit une per vete dhe shume te tjere e di qe kane qare. Ky film eshte edhe nje shprese per shume vajza te cilat mund te ndjehen te paragjykuara nga koha apo edhe te perflitet e shkuara e tyre, ato mesojne se panvarsishte ketij opinioni nese dikush do t'i doje vertet dashuria do te fitoj. Ky film edhe mund te paragjykohet se eshte televiziv por mua nuk me kane pelqyer asnjehere keto diskriminimet teknologjike nje film e ben skenari dhe ky film pervec konfliktit shume te spikatur ka edhe dialogje mjafte te bukura dhe moderne. Se fendmi dua te them se ne kete film me shume se skenari i Besa Myftiut apo cifti im i preferuar i kinemase Luiza dhe Ndricimi eshte muzika e  Kujtim Prodanit. Nje motiv romantik qe e mban mend per shume kohe,nje motiv qe mund ta fishkellesh me nje orkestrim modern dhe sensual kitare dhe saks.Kenga ka pjese qe vjen e trishtuar e ngadalte dhe  ne refrren merr nje hov te lumtur ashtu sikurse i duhet edhe filmit pasi dashuria ne fund fiton. Muzika e Prodanit e ka plotesuar kete film ne ate mase sa Henry Mancini ka plotesuar '
Breakfast at Tiffany's'. Vetem se Mancini ka marr Oskar nga ai film dhe Kujtimin e marrin ndonjehere tek TVSH.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Amerika e viteve 80’ – 90’

Ne vitet 80 ne Amerike shfaqen milioneret e pare dhe ndryshojne menyren e jeteses se Amerikaneve me firmat dhe markat e tyre. Tashme jemi ne 10-vjecarin ku secili mendon per veten e tij se si te pasurohej sepse Donald Trump dhe Leona Hemsley te bindnin me sloganin e tyre ‘Po mund ti kesh te gjitha’. Videogamet,camerat regjistruese CD dhe talk-show mbushin jeten e perditshme. Rryma te reja muzike ndiqen nga te rinjt si punk,rap dhe hip-hop per me teper do nisi trasmetimet e para dhe MTV me novacion per industrin e muzikes. Ne kinema te gjithe njezeri do te te kujtonim ET I cili arrin te telefonoj ne shtepi dhe do te kthehej jo vetem  ne nje film block-buster por dhe ne nje industry per te shitur cdo produkt me logon e filmit dhe ET. Vitet 80 kane renie ne prodhim ne krahasim me vitet 70 dhe perseri roli I femrave dhe levizja e tyre do te kaloj pa u shfaqur ne kinema por jo dhe per shume kohe pasi ne vitin 1991 do te jete Ridley Skot me filmin e tij te zhanrit ‘on the road’ I cili do te bej filmin kult ‘Thelma and Louise’. Por perpara se te them se cfare rendesie pati ky film doja te pershkruaja risine e viteve 90 qe ndryshuan te gjithe boten. Ne vitet 90 eshte interneti ai qe I ndryshon jeten amerikaneve dhe me pas te gjithe botes. Fuqia komunikuese e tij do te konkuroj cdo mjet komunikimi ekzistues. Kinemaja ndikohet nga kjo risi pasi pirateria e filmave do te mari nje forme mjafte argetuese per te gjithe dhe te gjithe do ti shikojne filmat ne shtepite e tyre nga kompiuteri pa paguar asgje.          
Rikthehemi tek filmi ‘Thelma and Louise’ ne vitin 1991. Ky film do te tregoje historine e 2 shoqeve Thelma eshte shtepiake e gjithe jeta e saj rrotullohet rreth bashkeshortit I cili e le pas dore dhe do qe ajo te rri vetem ne shtepi dhe Louisa nje grua me karakter te forte e cila ne te kaluaren e kane perdhunuar. Ajo qe do te nisi si nje fundjave e bukur mes shoqesh do te perfundoj ne nje seri vrasjesh. Ne fillim te filmit ndalojne ne nje bar ku Thelmen tentojne ta perdhunojne por Louisa e shpeton , kur perdhunuesi I ofendon te dyja atehere Louisa e vret. Ne vazhdim te udhetimit te tyre ato do te mashtrohen nga meshkujt,ato do ti vjedhin do ti poshterojne dhe filmi kthehet ne 2 gra kunder gjithe kesaj shoqerie maskiliste. Dy shoqet kerkojne ta edukojne shoqerine ne thelb duke kerkuar respektin per seksin femer. Filmi tregon dhe solidaritet midis femrave po mos te ishin te dyja ato nuk do mund te luftonin cdo veshtiresi qe I del ne rruge.  I gjithe filmi vjen si nje similitude e perpjekjeve te levizjeve femerore te viteve 60 dhe 70 per te mos qene te diskriminuara dhe keqtrajtuara nga seksi tjeter. Thelma dhe Louisa ne fund te filmit pasi e kane humbur sensin e gjerave qe I kane ndodhur dhe pas zhgenjimeve qe kalojne e shikojne boten te ndare ne dy pjese ato te dyja vetem ne shkretetire dhe ushtria e meshkujve police qe kerkojne ti kapin me nje arsyetim te thjeshte .Nen presion ato vendosin te mos dorezohen por te vazhdojne te vendosura rrugen e tyre  dhe hidhen ne gremine te kapura dore per dore. Nga e gjithe ushtria e policeve vetem nje komisar tenton ti ndaloj, dhjetra te tjere nuk levizin vendit, vdekja e dy personazheve nuk tregon humbjen e tyre por vendosmerine per te arritur qellimin pa rene ne kompromis me asnje dhe per asgje,as edhe me vete jeten.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Cinema of the 70’s

Before the 'Avatar' phenomenon we all thought that the recent period of Hollywood's golden age would be the 70's. However,  never say never  because the history repeats itself. So in the 70's, new technology like Dolby Sound  and Panavision will bring  people to the cinemas to win the battle with the television as well as in 2009 with the 3D technology will break every record of the cinemagoers. Let us return to the 70 'where  avantgarde generation of filmmakers like George Lucas' Star Wars' and Steven Spielberg with' Jaws' made the history of those years. I must emphasize that in the 70 films Block-buster were those films that used new technology or new achievements in science unknown world outside the planetary, new approaches to distance the human from the religion and God. While the cult films for the message to transmit as 'The Godfather', 'One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest', 'Taxi driver' deal with the topic of post-war, loneliness social chaos that was America and the mafia that in one way or another has been part the most important of its building.

And although women gained priority in social and political life, cinematography does not respond there is no film to represent the women of those days and its efforts in society. In the late 70 'Woody Allen will be one that will bring a new style romantic comedy centered on a young woman already emancipated in his film "Annie Hall." Allen is the only although autobiographical notes which creates the character of Annie which then inspires women in America for the way she dresses. In this film we see that a movie leads and inspires the society and not as a derivative of social events.
Until the 90's would be used in wardrobes of American style of Annie Hall, a woman wearing men's trousers jacket shirt and left anyway but very feminine. This style highlights the difference between fabric and garments for men as men, but retaining the part of women. Woody helps careerist feminist women of those years while I attached to this wardrobe on the other side though with regret that since the entire emancipation of women in society cinema responds only with an innovation-mind wardrobe.

Monday, June 17, 2013

America of the 70’s

During the  70’ the things continue to evolve and change. The people started more and more not to trust the government and 'the radical' ideas of the 60' earned ground among the people. Starting from tripling the participation of women in decision-making of the country and among disadvantaged minorities and Gay-t to gain equal rights.Cultural life flourishes in America the events and changes that happened,  inspired music, literature, films and fashion. We have 
   We have the innovation of new technologies such as the use of floppy disc, e-mail, the laser printer and video recorder with VHS tapes which will make possible the distribution of films for everyone to watch from home. 
A new sound will emerge after the death of Elvis Presley and the split up of  Beatles. Will be Pink Floyd, Bee Gees, Elton John, John Lennon (who was also an activist against the war in Vietnam) and Bob Marley music starts to internationalize Regge.                                              

Saturday, June 15, 2013

3D Cinema

End finally we can see movies in 3D, but with this movies we can spot different reactions to the 3D fenomena.
1. Those people who experienced it with the same reaction like the one of the Train in Lumiere cinemas at the beginning of the time,
2. Those people who wanted to take the 3D glasses home,to see if the magic will continue.
3.Those people who didn't care and were surprised from the reactions of the others.

 Then after 3 movies they would calm down. They learned that nothing bad would happen to them,the glesses would work only in the cinema so they returned them back .
After the big surprise and getting use to this movies some other types came up. If I would ask anyone have you seen a 3D movie lately they would reply:
- No I have already seen one of them!

Not every movie is worth it to watch in 3D,especially those with live action people and no supernatural heroes. I do love to watch only animated movies in 3D but at this movies there is another problem,the kids and the mother that comes with them that has to tell the story so the kids would understand it.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Mona Lisa Smile

I thought I was headed to a place that would turn out tomorrow's leaders, not their wives!" -- Katherine Watson (Julia Roberts), Mona Lisa Smile

During this film girls are presented as individuals who need to be able to provide a marriage. The story is based entirely on war and feminism though most of the characters are married. While I see this movie, a question arises: How did we become like we are?
The answer is found in women played by Julia Roberts. Thanks to her throughout history such companies' expectations for women have changed. I myself want to define this film as a feminist film,this film shows feminist movement in both its forms and in the form of mass meetings and in another form which is also essential in such work and dedication that Watson has for himself and people around him. Of course we can not imagine today ourselves in situations that exceed characters in film but also in himself back in a way we pupil Watson and draw inspiration and lessons. Every time I've seen this film I felt that I grew a little.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Cinema of ther 60's

During the 60's the big film studios will be threaten from the raising of television.The golden age is over and indipendent movies are made.During this time there are less American movies made and there is the boom of Fellini,Godar,Antonioni,L.Bunuel and Hitchcook.At this godd time for the indipendent movies we hear first the names of Sidney Pollac. He changed the rules of the movies regarding sex scenes. This would make an avantgarde cinema and this would be as a result of Woodstock and the seksual liberation. 

. Regarding the feminism movement there is only one movie that we can mention ‘Rosemary Baby’ this movie will become a kult film and later on you will hear the say 'Not another Rosemary's Baby'. The main theme here is abortion. Rosemary is a catholic and lives in New York,she is newly wed and when times come she wants to have a baby.  She stays home, and takes care of her husband. Economically she depends on him and she is always doing what he wants regardless of her own wishes.Suddenly her husband decides to have a baby,that proper night she dreams that someone is raping her. Her husband tells her that he made love with her while she was asleep. She is pregnant and suffers through the hole pregnancy. At the end she learns that her husband had made a deal with the devil so she decides to kill her baby. .This is a film which has been discussed in terms of religion, faith,in scenes of violence becoming a film pioneer for the later as well as problems with the justice that had Polanski. In my opinion this film represents the struggle of women to that period when seeking the right to abortion. Many women were silent except for rape to become detached from the spouses and raise children bore fruit not of love but of violence. How can increase a child when his mother recalls the humiliation and violence that is inflicted upon due to helplessness against the other sex. Rosemary fights to keep her child but does not protect society from that rape that was done, she wins over her Catholic guilt when he learns that her child will grow as the son of the devil and kill it sets .

Monday, June 10, 2013

America of the 60's

  60s will begin with the movement of the civil rights activist the most known M.L.King  and Rosa Parker (mother of modern days for African-Americans). After the assassination of M.L.King would be his wife Correta S King that would continue the movement for women's liberation and will take the name 'Black Power. 

The women will begin their revolt in socio-political life. Now labeled only for their role as mothers, wives, those seeking gender equality household. So in factories, institutions, military academies and air and open doors for women. 

Here we look at and most profound change among women in America and Albania. Although American Propaganda was the land of dream and freedom or equal opportunities. it was so  only for men but white men. All others as women, minorities and sexual colored fought and were sacrificed to achieve equality in society. 
 1964 launched the Vietnam War, the postwar while children are now teens and want to see the world as a revolutionary. Girls were screaming  after Elvis Presley, Aretha Franklin and starts and Beatles mania. 

Miniskirts will seize the trend of the time, what. It will have an impact around the world until nowadays is 60 years invention of Barbie doll which returned to perfect the female model as early America and then throughout the world.Meanwhile a new generation is raising who is against the war and this will be the Hippie's. This move crowned with the festival wood stock protests. Hippie keep itself free drugs as a way of expression, rock, freedom in choosing Religioni and sexual freedom. Television will become with colour and finally  the first man on the moon by Apollo 11.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

'There is no time'

Tik-tak, tik-tak... never have time enough. 
The job, the school, the homework,the studying,the sleeping, and now have to make a baby. This is a problem of our characters in the movie. They do not have enough time to do all of this thing and the most important thing make love and to make a baby .
Finally they have time to make love for one hour.... But what happened? 
They listen something to the radio
Have a wonderful day!

'There is no time' is my first short movie. i know it has a lot of problem as a 'no budget' production,but is shows an aspect of the modern life how it is going to be and that we may not have time even for 'LOVE'